혜랑 RANG ASMR雨天绘图

asmr 2020-8-1 914

嗨,我可爱的朋友们:)你好吗?雨季从这里开始,外面还在下雨..!因此,我决定在舒适的房间里抽些东西浸泡在这个雨天的气氛中,我真的很享受时间:)希望您有一些时间做外面的雨,做自己想做的事情!祝你有个美好的梦想♥+昨天,我意识到突然间,Youtube违反我的意愿在所有视频中投放了插播广告。:0我认为他们在7月底前已对广告政策做出了某些更改。所以我不得不把他们花了这么长时间哈哈..但我很抱歉我的视频上弹出那些不需要的广告..!您可能会吓到0:..现在我关闭了它们,这样它们就不会再打扰您了:) RANG对你们所有人都有很多爱。

Hi there my lovely friends : )
How are you ?
The rainy season has started here and It's still raining outside..!
So I decided to draw something to soak in the atmosphere of this rainy day in my cozy room and I really enjoyed the time :)
Hopefully you can have some time to do what you would love to when it's rain outside!
Have a sweet dream ♥

+ Yesterday, I realized that all of sudden, Youtube put mid-roll ads on all of my videos against my will.. :0 I think they have made certain changes on the policy regarding advertisements by the end of July. So I had to get them back one by one that took me so long haha.. 
But I'm sorry for those unwanted ads popping up on my vids ..! You might freaked out :0.. Now I turned them off so they won't bother you anymore : )
Lots of Love from RANG to you all.

Rainy Day Drawing ☔️ 비 오는 날, 그림 그림 :)

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